Thursday, 4 August 2011

Two-letter Scrabble Words

AA: n pl. –S rough, cindery lava
AB: n pl. –S an abdominal muscle
AD: n pl. –S an advertisement
AE: adj one
AG: adj pertaining to agriculture
AH: interj – used to express delight, relief, or contempt
AI: n pl. –S a three-toed sloth
AL: n pl. –S an East Indian tree
AM: present 1st person sing. of BE
AN: indefinite article – used before words beginning with a vowel
AR: n pl. –S the letter R
AS: adv to the same degree
AT: prep in the position of
AW: interj – used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief
AX: v –ED, -ING, -ES to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool)
AY: n pl. –S aye
BA: n pl. –S the eternal soul in Egyptian mythology
BE: v AM, ARE, ART, WAS, WERE, WAST, WERT, BEEN, BEING to have actuality
BI: n pl. –S bisexual
BO: n pl. –S a pal
BY: n pl. –S a pass in certain card games
DE: prep of; from – used in names
DO: n pl. –S the first tone of the diatonic scale
ED: n pl. –S education
EF: n pl. –S the letter F
EH: interj – used to express doubt
EL: n pl. –S an elevated railroad or train
EM: n pl. –S the letter M
EN: n pl. –S the letter M
ER: interj – used to express hesitation
ES: n pl. ESES the letter S (also spelled ESS)
ET: a past tense of EAT
EX: n pl. EXES the letter X
FA: n pl. –S the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale
FE: n –FES a Hebrew letter
GO: v WENT, GONE, GOING, GOES to move along
HA: n pl. –S a sound of surprise
HE: n pl. –S a male person
HI: interj – used as a greeting
HM: interj – used to express thoughtful consideration
HO: interj – used to express surprise
ID: n pl. –S a part of the psyche
IF: n pl. –S a possibility
IN: v INNED, INNING, INS to harvest
IS: v present 3d person sing. of BE
IT: pron the 3rd person sing. of BE
JO: n pl. -ES a sweetheart
KA: n pl. –S the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion
KI: n pl. -S the vital force in Chinese thought
LA: n pl. –S the sixth tone of the diatonic musical scale
LI: n pl. a Chinese unit of distance
LO: interj – used to attract attention or to express surprise
MA: n pl. –S mother
ME: pron the objective case of the pronoun I
MM: interj – Used to express assent or satisfaction
MO: n pl. –S a moment
MU: n pl. –S a Greek letter
MI: n pl. –MIS the third tone of the diatonic musical scale
MY: pron the possessive form of the pronoun I
NA: adv no; not
NE: adj born with the name of (also NEE)
NO: n pl. NOS or NOES a negative reply
NU: n pl. –S a Greek letter
OD: n pl. –S a hypothetical force of natural power
OE: n pl. –S a whirlwind off the Faeroe Islands
OF: prep coming from
OH: v –ED, -ING, -S to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire
OI: v – oy--used to express dismay or pain
OM: n pl. –S a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality
ON: n pl. –S the side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket
OP: n pl. –S a style of abstract art
OR: n pl. –S the heraldic color gold
OS: n pl. –S ORA, OSSA, or OSAR either an orifice, a bone, or an esker
OW: interj – used to express sudden pain
OX: n pl. OXEN or OXES a hoofed mammal or clumsy person
OY: interj – used to express dismay or pain
PA: n pl. –S a father
PE: n pl. –S a Hebrew letter
PI: v PIED, PIEING, PIING, or PIES to jumble or disorder
QI: n pl. -S the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things
RE: n pl. –S the second tone of diatonic musical scale
SH: interj – used to urge silence
SI: n pl. –S ti
SO: n pl. –S the fifth tone of the diatonic musical scale
TA: n pl. –S an expression of gratitude
TO: prep in the direction of
TI: n TIS the seventh tone of the diatonic musical scale
UH: interj – used to express hesitation
UM: interj – used to express hesitation
UN: pron pl. –S one
UP: v UPPED, UPPING, UPS to raise
US: pron the objective case of the pronoun we
UT: n pl. –S the musical tone C in the French solmization system, now replaced by do
WE: pron the 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case
WO: n pl. –S woe
XI: n pl. –S a Greek letter
XU: n pl. XU a monetary unit of Vietnam
YA: pron you
YE: pron you
YO: interj – used to call attention or express affirmation
ZA: n pl. -S a pizza

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