Wednesday, 13 July 2011

And all that JAZZ! (8+1+10+10=29)

The Inaugural Monday Night Jazzy Scrabble Club kicked off at Klein Libertas, to the lekker jivey tunes of the All Free jazz ensemble!

Happiness on a rotatable plate...
Tania, Ilse and Lidia were representing; with equipment consisting of a lovely play-worn large Scrabble board with wheelie-stand for easy rotation. Proceedings soon got serious with a discussion of super important (ever-expanding) club rules.*

The Scrabble Queens planning their next moves
Although the inaugural game of the inaugural event went to Lidia (L = 247, I = 182, T = 165), the undisputed champion of the night was Ilse, winning 2 out 3 games (game 2: I = 212, T = 170, L = 184; game 3: L = 173, T = 137, I = 194). Victory in game 3 was especially dear to Ilse, coming contrary to her sibling's expectation of decreased lexiconic performance due to the added strain of scoring; as well as the handicap of penalty shots.*

Lidia, Tania and Ilse's thumb having a good time

Notable Scrabble incidents:
- Game 3 started with a seven-letter word, GREETINGS, scoring 62. Somehow, Lidia managed to squander this near-unassailable early advantage, with the game being won in a spectacular come-from-behind effort by Ilse. Kudos!
- ICKY was played on a Triple Word tile, and proved to indeed be an acceptable word.

Ilse and Ramon contemplating the beauty of QUIVER

Notable non-Scrabble incidents:
- Bad pun of the night: "You look good even if you're not wearing your glasses!" - Ramon
- On suggestions for the letter X: "We had 'SEX' in the previous game." - Tania
- On the arrival of elderly, somewhat eclectically dressed gentlemen: "Lidia, are these your leathermans**?" - Ilse
- Philosophical musings of the last round purchaser: "You're only as good as your last game." - Tania

All in all, a delightful experience!

Next meeting: Monday, 18 July, Klein Libertas, 20:00

Addendum: Lies, damn lies, and statistics (nod to Mark Twain)

 *Jazzy Scrabble Club Rules (as of 11 July 2011):
1 - No replacing of blank tiles after they have been played.
2 - Absolutely NO in-game "checking" of words. Words may be played, then challenged, then checked. 
3 - Tiles drawn for the determination of play order shall be placed back before game tiles are drawn.
4 - For sacrilege / dapper attempts of made-up words, the penalty of 1 (one) shot shall be had by the offender; with the shot to be purchased with funds provided by said offender. The nature of the shot shall be determined by the ensemble of non-offending competitors.
5 - The order of resources for checking of words shall be: (1) South African Concise Oxford Dictionary, (2) BlackBerry Dictionary
6 - The languages of play are English (South Africa), English (United Kingdom) and English (United States of America)
7 - When Scrabble Club takes place on a Monday night, and in view of Rule 4, Scrabble Club attendees are strongly advised to have an afternoon nap before proceedings. If an attendee did not make use of such a nap opportunity, said attendee waives all rights in terms of claims of fatigue.
8 - The player with the average lowest score over the evening shall buy the last round.
9 - The player who plays first, draws first.
10 - The challenger must check the word being challenged.

** As in BDSM subculture

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